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Professional Movers in Ft. Lauderdale Share Tips on Moving In Together

Moving in Together? Use this Great Checklist From Local Ft. Lauderdale Movers!

movers in ft lauderdaleMoving in together with your better half? Why not use our Griffin Moving checklist to make sure you don’t forget to take care of anything? While relocating on your own can be quite challenging, the situation can be even more stressful when you’re combining two households together. Don’t worry – our movers have you covered with the following great advice!

Sort your stuff

A few months before the big day, you’ll want to start going through all your belongings. At this point, you’ll want to decide with your partner what stays and what goes, particularly since you’ll have doubles of many common household items.

Research potential movers  

Research several potential movers, as opposed to selecting the first one you call. That way you can compare the companies, including pricing and services before you narrow down which one you prefer.

Purchase moving supplies

Purchase moving supplies about 6 weeks before your big day – ideally no later. You’ll need packing tape, bubble wrap, garment bags, boxes, and various other containers, though how much all depends on your shipping load.

Measure before you move

Measure the rooms and doorways of your new place, to ensure you won’t have issues getting larger items like furniture into the house. You don’t want to find out on the day of that your sectional sofa just won’t fit! If there are any problems with dimensions, talk to your movers beforehand, so they can figure out what needs to be done.

Now – it’s time to pack!

Start packing as soon as you can. Begin with items you use less often, so you don’t inadvertently box something you’ll need before the move. If you have anything that’s valuable, make sure to add it to an itemized list for insurance purposes. Also, with some movers, you can request additional insurance coverage for expensive articles.

Label, label, label     

Without a doubt, moving is a time of chaos where everything is packed away haphazardly – unless, of course, you label every box. Tape a checklist of what’s inside each container to not only ensure everything goes where it should, but also help you find something quickly if you need it immediately.

Contact Griffin Moving for efficient, speedy movers. Contact us today and find out about our various affordable pricing options.